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Sewing Techniques Shaelynn Haning Sewing Techniques Shaelynn Haning

Suit Tailoring Series: Add Darts To A Suit Jacket

This alteration allows us to dive a little bit deeper into lined garments. Whereas unlined garments can just be taken in simply with darts in a single step procedure, here we will have to go in between the layers and navigate installing even-depth darts that match on either side. It is a little tricky, but a very fun one, follow along with me below as we create suit jacket darts.

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Sewing Techniques Shaelynn Haning Sewing Techniques Shaelynn Haning

Suit Tailoring Series: Hemming a Suit Jacket

This procedure will take you methodically step by step through shortening the length of a suit jacket. Beginning with the front panel at the bottom edge of the rounded lapel and moving back through one or two vents we will work our way step-by-step across the bottom of the jacket. Simliar to many tailoring procedures, this one has very specific steps and a unique order of operations where each step heavily impacts the next.

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Sewing Techniques Shaelynn Haning Sewing Techniques Shaelynn Haning

Sewing Technique: Narrow Rolled Hem

This small hem is achieved typically by rolling a quarter of an inch fabric over followed by another quarter of an inch fabric resulting in a clean small him. This is a great technique to use on chiffon, silk, or any lighter weight fabric that is prone to shred. This is also a very common technique for anything from skirts to bridesmaids dresses.

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